*Financial Lessons Learnt in 2011...*
1. We are never SOLD something, we always BUY it.
2. Come out of Loans/EMI at the earliest which evaporates our savings.
3. Insurance policies are not INVESTMENT vehicles. Insurance ULIPs stands for UNWANTED LOOPHOLES IN POCKET.
4. Learn from MISTAKES and Do not Panic.
5. Never lose money. Money management is very important.
6. Design a disciplined Saving cum investment Program.
7. Every Investment should have a financial Goal.
8. Create SMART Financial Goals ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound)
9. Constantly review the Progress of your financial goals.
10. Understand various asset classes available and Do not invest all the funds in one asset class alone.
11. Create and Develop minimum 5 passive sources of Income.
12. Understand the concept and impact of POWER OF COMPOUNDING.
13. Need to constantly upgrade our knowledge in Money Management.
14. Spread this knowledge to others.
Having more money cannot make us happy but fulfilling our dreams can make us happy.
Let enjoy life, it's challenges and the JOURNEY, because the Journey is as important as the Destination.
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Hope this post shall help or ignite someone...
Happy investing...
Biswajit Roy
Financial Psychologist
Certified Wealth Strategist
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