*How to manage money and invest it wisely,* 

In real world, we don’t make financial decisions for saving and investments using  mathematical data,  formulaes or Real rate of Returns.

Instead,  We take financial decisions at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, people’s unique view of world, ego, pride, marketing and odd incentives are jumbled together.

*few Differences between Saving & Investing:*
Saving is You Work For Money
Investing is Money Works For You

Saving aims Wealth Preservation
Investing aims Wealth Creation.

Saving is Passive
Investing is Active

Saving demands Nothing
Investing demands financial Planning and Goals

Saving is Fear centric
Investing is Confidence centric. 

Saving attracts Bills and Payments
Investing attracts Dividends and Returns

*Roy's MANTRA*

Fears and Desires are the only drivers for all our financial actions. So whether we save or invest, it says a lot about our drive.

Invest your money regularly in a planned way to create wealth for your future...

Happy Investing... 🙂

Biswajit Roy 
Msc(Psychology), MBA,  CMFD
Financial Psychologist & Wealth Strategist
