Value of 1 crore at 7% inflation after 10,15,20 years..

Inflation is now above the comfort zone of RBI... More rate changes are expected..

Be careful of your CORPUS.

The value of 1 Crore: (assume 7% inflation)

- 10 years from now= 50Lakhs. 
- 15 years from now= 36Lakhs. 
- 20 years from now= 25Lakhs. 

Therefore, be careful of the CORPUS that you are intending to accumalate for your SUNSHINE years...

The above values you may not believe, therefore I am sharing you the calculation methodology, to find the future value of 1 lakh on year on year basis with an inflation of 7% for 10 years. 

100,000 Lakh = 50,000/- approx at 10 year.


Act now..

Any doubts do get in touch with me.

Take care
